Saturday, December 30, 2006
new webcast
We did another webcast with the Exploratorium museum in San Francisco yesterday, which was fun.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
All the panels are on the reflector!
For those of you who keep up with the other SPT blogs, you might have already heard, but all 218 precision-machined, aluminum panels are on the reflector! This was a huge milestone for us. The following is a transcription of Tom's transcription of Jeff's email to the collaboration to announce this exciting news:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hi all,
Last night we placed the last panel on the bus, and here is the
picture to prove it. The dish may look flat, but that is just the
fish eye undoing its curvature- every indication is that it is very
close to the correct shape. Just wanted to send out a picture so
you can share in our enthusiasm.
ps. The sun dog picture is from right after we finished.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - end transcription
So we get to go home now, right Steve? Actually, I know full well that I will (gladly) be here until the end of January. After all, this is only 1 of 3 BIG MILESTONES for the season. The other two are
2) installation of the optics cryostat, an automobile-sized, very fancy metal box that holds our secondary mirror (a 1-meter diameter mirror)
3) installation of the receiver, our astoundingly fancy camera, built by our collaborators at UC Berkeley. (By the way, I promise to give these components of the South Pole Telescope a better description in a later post).
In fact these two installations will happen in parallel. I will most likely be helping with installing the optics cryostat, which should be a lot of fun (and stress!).
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hi all,
Last night we placed the last panel on the bus, and here is the
picture to prove it. The dish may look flat, but that is just the
fish eye undoing its curvature- every indication is that it is very
close to the correct shape. Just wanted to send out a picture so
you can share in our enthusiasm.
ps. The sun dog picture is from right after we finished.
The (almost) fully populated reflector:

Auspicious omens in the sky on the occasion of the placement of panel #218:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - end transcription
So we get to go home now, right Steve? Actually, I know full well that I will (gladly) be here until the end of January. After all, this is only 1 of 3 BIG MILESTONES for the season. The other two are
2) installation of the optics cryostat, an automobile-sized, very fancy metal box that holds our secondary mirror (a 1-meter diameter mirror)
3) installation of the receiver, our astoundingly fancy camera, built by our collaborators at UC Berkeley. (By the way, I promise to give these components of the South Pole Telescope a better description in a later post).
In fact these two installations will happen in parallel. I will most likely be helping with installing the optics cryostat, which should be a lot of fun (and stress!).
Monday, December 11, 2006
Big Update

Sorry I've been so bad about adding new posts, but here is a big update on my past 3 weeks at the Pole.
The hardest thing about living at the South Pole is the little tent I call home. It would be fine to use such a cheap tent for camping back in the US, but it is wholly inappropriate to live in such a thing for 3 months at the bottom of the earth. Although the majority of my time and thoughts are centered on the numbing pain of my frostbitten extremities, I have found the howl of the wind to be a decent distraction.
Just kidding, Mom. In fact, I live in a very nice, very modern South Pole Station. This new station has replaced the old dome, the 30-year-old icon of humanity's presence at the Pole. The old dome is still here but is used mostly just for frozen food storage. Here in the new station I get my own heated room, plenty of hot meals, and an array of comforts you really wouldn't expect to find here: a United States Post Office (sort of), a game room, a music room, a gym, a full-court basket ball court, and a really nice sauna. They let us do laundry and take 4 minutes worth of shower each week. There are about 100 of us that live in the new station, and 100 more that live out in "Summer Camp", a collection of buildings that is temporarily put to use to house the summer crowd. To get a better picture of all this, check out the awesome New Station video tour put together by coworker Tom Crawford.
For the 20 or so days that I have been here, I have worked the "night shift", which only means that my schedule is out of sync with the rest of the station by 12 hours. The "what time is it? what should I be doing right now?" confusion is only compounded by the fact that the sun never sets. That's right: this is summertime in the southern hemisphere, and that means the sun never sets at the South Pole. In fact, the South Pole just has one "day" per year. The sun rises up in October, peaks in January, goes through a dramatic, month-long sunset in March, goes under for April-September, and does another slow-motion, month-long sunrise in October. Those may not be the exact months, but you get the picture: the sun just goes around and around and around, slowly traveling up and down over the course of a year. These days it's perched at about 20 degrees above the horizon, and will peak at 23 1/2 degrees at summer solstice. Nowadays I can tell the time to within 1 hour by noting the sun's location on the horizon.
The mixture of day-shifters and night-shifters at the Pole makes for some odd moments. For example, the meals are a bit strange. Someone is always starting their day with Cheerios while another downs a huge steak. Joe quietly sips coffee to wake up while Mary & Friends loudly drink beer to wind down. Another way to look at it: at any given time, someone is sleeping and someone else is drinking.
The food is surprisingly good here. I eat about twice as much as I do at home. I have eggs at almost every meal. I have two desserts per meal. At every meal I can look out the window and see the geographic South Pole, the point about which the Earth spins, located only about 50 feet away. I take great pleasure in this.
What is it like to walk around outside? To begin with, it is cold. For the time that I've been here, the average temperature has hovered around -25 F (-30 C), and even the slightest wind can send the windchill down into the -40's F. The key strategy for dealing with these extreme temperatures is layering. Including underwear, I typically have on 5 lower-body layers, 5 upper-body layers, 2 pairs of gloves, 2 pairs of socks, a pair of vacuum-insulated boots, and all manner of neck-warming, face-warming hat things. Luckily, all of this stuff actually works, and I'm usually quite comfortable outside. On several occasions I've taken my gloves off and worked with bare hands (though only for 30 minutes at a time). It is amazing how quickly your brain can adjust to a new environment; after only 3 weeks at the South Pole, my Texas-conditioned body thinks that -30F is cold, -10F is warm, and +10F is unimaginably hot.
The other obvious feature of walking outside here is the simplicity of the landscape. To being with, it is perfectly flat in all directions. There is white below the horizon, and blue above it. The ground is a crunchy mix of packed ice and snow that has been sculpted into 1 inch tall dunes by the wind. Up above is the deepest blue sky you can imagine. There are no features on the horizon, there are usually no clouds, and there are definitely no signs of life (except for us humans). So for those of you who were imagining me romping through dramatic Antarctic mountains with penguins everywhere, I'm sorry but you were dead wrong. In many ways I think this is much cooler.
There are four of us (Tom, Joaquin, Jeff and me) whose sole mission here is to build the main mirror of the South Pole Telescope. This is a circular dish 10 meters in diameter that focuses light from the sky onto the telescope's camera. Over the past few weeks, we've hit some milestones for the reflector's assembly:

Installing the first 4 aluminum panels (only 214 to go!) . These panels make up the mirror surface, which is a large paraboloid.

So that's all for now. I will upload a large batch of new photos pretty soon, so stay posted.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
The people living at the South Pole are predominantly American and pro-Thanksgiving. This past Saturday was the big Thanksgiving celebration, and it was quite the party; there were hors dourves, live music, a candlelight dinner and very attentive wine-servers. They even put heavy curtains on the windows to keep the blinding sun out and create a nicer ambience for us.
After a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, some youngins put on music and started dancing right there in the galley. Soon the older and more responsible contingent of the crowd went to bed, and we were left with a full-on Thanksgiving dance party. At some point the galley sound system went out, and it seemed that the party would soon end. Instead, someone initiated a drive to move the party to "The Smokers’ Lounge", which is essentially just a bar in the Old South Pole Station. Despite (or perhaps because of) the fact that the path to the Smokers’ Lounge was through a frightening, non-heated industrial tower, the party was successfully brought back to life.
Anyway, Thanksgiving was a lot of fun. The next morning all of us SPT guys got up early to do a live webcast with the Exploratorium science museum in San Francisco, which went just fine. The rest of the day was spent lounging around the station and hanging out in the sauna. You might get the impression that every weekend at the South Pole is so fun-filled and relaxing. More realistically, this was probably the last full day of rest I will have until Christmas or New Year's. The telescope has to be built!
After a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, some youngins put on music and started dancing right there in the galley. Soon the older and more responsible contingent of the crowd went to bed, and we were left with a full-on Thanksgiving dance party. At some point the galley sound system went out, and it seemed that the party would soon end. Instead, someone initiated a drive to move the party to "The Smokers’ Lounge"
Anyway, Thanksgiving was a lot of fun. The next morning all of us SPT guys got up early to do a live webcast with the Exploratorium science museum in San Francisco, which went just fine. The rest of the day was spent lounging around the station and hanging out in the sauna. You might get the impression that every weekend at the South Pole is so fun-filled and relaxing. More realistically, this was probably the last full day of rest I will have until Christmas or New Year's. The telescope has to be built!

After only 6 days of travel, we've made it to the South Pole!
Our 3 hour flight from McMurdo to the Pole went off without a hitch and gave us some spectacular views of inland Antarctica (see photos). The plane landed, I stepped outside, and the inside of my noise instantly froze (it was -37 F when we landed, with the wind chill bringing it down to about -55 F). We were cheerily greeted by our PI John Carlstrom and Project Manager Steve Padin.
The South Pole sits on top of about 2 miles of packed ice and has an effective elevation of about 11,000 ft. This means that altitude sickness is a serious concern up here. So of course we've taken it really easy so far: no work, lots of water, lots of rest. Poor Jeff had a strange reaction to the anti-altitude sickness medication that we all took and has had legally-blind vision for the past 24 hours. His vision is slowly and steadily improving.
After lunch we did take a walk over to "The Dark Sector", the region of the polar base where electromagnetic noise is kept to a minimum for the sake of the telescopes which live there. This is where the South Pole Telescope (locally known as "10 Meter") will be built. Along the way we got to see a piece of CMB (cosmic microwave background) history, "DASI", an earlier and extremely successful telescope of John Carlstrom's. DASI was the first telescope to detect the polarization of the CMB light waves. Its current incarnation is a telescope known as QUAD, which is also studying the polarization of the CMB. (Sorry for all the science lingo without any explanation. If you'd like to learn more about this science, please check out these great introductory CMB pages by Wayne Hu).
So anyway, after months of anticipation, I am very glad to have finally made it to the South Pole!
Sunday, November 26, 2006

As is often the case when flying to Antarctica, our flight from Christchurch to McMurdo Station was delayed. First by 24 hours and then by 3 hours. So we had 27 hours to kill in Christchurch, which wasn't a bad deal at all. We basically just hung out at cafes and bars and went kayaking through the botanical gardens. I have photos to prove it.
Eventually our real flight time came and we found ourselves at a Kiwi airfield, shuffling through security lines (much like you would in a standard airport), but while dressed head to toe in our extreme weather clothing (which was stiflingly hot in Christchurch, but required of us anyway). An hour later we were strapping down our seat belts on a US military jet, preparing for takeoff. All in all it was a very comfortable ride. The aisles were huge. We were given enormous brown bag lunches. Surprisingly friendly US Air Force personnel let us get up and walk around and look out the window at the ice floes we were flying over.
Only 5 hours later we touched down at McMurdo Station. The aircraft door opened, the cold air poured in, and we all shuffled onto the snow tarmac. Spinning around several times to take in the gorgeous mountains around us, I was floored. I am standing on Antarctica! I am up-side-down! This is actually happening!
McMurdo Sound was much more beautiful and mountainous than I had thought it would be. It was also pretty warm (about 30 F, 0 C), allowing for a pleasant walk outside after dinner. Tom, Jeff and I walked over to an old hut constructed in 1902 by the British explorer R.P. Scott and his men. There is even a frozen seal on the ground outside the hut, presumably killed by Scott and his men but never eaten. Although quite disgusting to look at up close, the 104-year-old seal has been remarkably well preserved by the cold temperatures at McMurdo. Check out photos.
And that's it for my trip in McMurdo. Tomorrow morning we should be on a plane to the South Pole!
Saturday, November 18, 2006
En Route
The trip to the South Pole is not a short thing. For me it began in Chicago about 2 days ago, on Thursday November 16, as I boarded a plane (with coworkers Tom and Jeff) headed to LA. There we met up with fellow graduate student Joaquin and took a 12-hour overnight flight to Auckland, New Zealand. In crossing the International Date Line during this flight I was completely robbed of the day Friday, November 17, 2006. Next up was a short flight to Christchurch, New Zealand, where I write this post.
Our time in Christchurch has been very nice so far. We've had a little time to walk around town and check out some cafes and restaurants (very impressive food so far), and last night we were even fortunate enough to experience the city's nightlife scene. Today Joaquin and I took a walk through the city's amazing botanical garden, the most beautiful one either of us has ever walked through (I'll post some photos when I have a better internet connection). The main purpose of our stay in Christchurch was taken care of this afternoon when we were assigned the 40-odd articles of extreme weather clothing which keep us warm and functional when we work outside at the South Pole.
Anyway, we have a few more hours to enjoy Christchurch before our "zero six hundred hours" appearance at the military airport tomorrow morning. Then we all pile into this noisy plane and fly to Antarctica. Should be fun.
Our time in Christchurch has been very nice so far. We've had a little time to walk around town and check out some cafes and restaurants (very impressive food so far), and last night we were even fortunate enough to experience the city's nightlife scene. Today Joaquin and I took a walk through the city's amazing botanical garden, the most beautiful one either of us has ever walked through (I'll post some photos when I have a better internet connection). The main purpose of our stay in Christchurch was taken care of this afternoon when we were assigned the 40-odd articles of extreme weather clothing which keep us warm and functional when we work outside at the South Pole.
Anyway, we have a few more hours to enjoy Christchurch before our "zero six hundred hours" appearance at the military airport tomorrow morning. Then we all pile into this noisy plane and fly to Antarctica. Should be fun.
Hi everyone,
This is the blog of Ryan Keisler, a graduate student in physics at the University of Chicago, while he is working at the South Pole. I (Ryan) will be there for about 3 months during the 2006-2007 austral summer to help build a new radio telescope called the "South Pole Telescope". This 10-meter telescope will, among other things, help us to understand a force in our universe known as "dark energy". Dark energy is causing the expansion of our Universe to accelerate and is one of the most puzzling physical phenomena ever observed.
I'll be at the South Pole with a bunch of other people (about 10) that also work on the South Pole Telescope. We'll be working outside every day in -30F weather, trying to put together this giant telescope bolt by bolt. It should be tough but rewarding work.
I'll keep a record of my South Pole experience on this blog. There is also a blog which other members of the SPT team will contribute to. Check this blog out by clicking on its link on the side of this page (or just go directly to ).
Ok, thanks for visiting!
This is the blog of Ryan Keisler, a graduate student in physics at the University of Chicago, while he is working at the South Pole. I (Ryan) will be there for about 3 months during the 2006-2007 austral summer to help build a new radio telescope called the "South Pole Telescope". This 10-meter telescope will, among other things, help us to understand a force in our universe known as "dark energy". Dark energy is causing the expansion of our Universe to accelerate and is one of the most puzzling physical phenomena ever observed.
I'll be at the South Pole with a bunch of other people (about 10) that also work on the South Pole Telescope. We'll be working outside every day in -30F weather, trying to put together this giant telescope bolt by bolt. It should be tough but rewarding work.
I'll keep a record of my South Pole experience on this blog. There is also a blog which other members of the SPT team will contribute to. Check this blog out by clicking on its link on the side of this page (or just go directly to ).
Ok, thanks for visiting!
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